Your P&C

The P&C Objectives

#1. Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation.

# 2. Assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.

# 3. Encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues.

How Your P&C is Managed

The P&C is a constituted body consisting of four executives elected by members in accordance with the constitution of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales. Membership is open to any member of the school, ie. parents, carers, teachers or people from the local Warners Bay community.

The P&C Meetings

Open to everyone in our community the WBPS P&C meetings are safe, inclusive, informative, and most importantly the best way to find out what is happening within our school.

You do not need to be a financial member to attend our PC meetings, however, if you want to have a say in the decisions that are shaping the way we work to support our parents, carers, the education team, local community and most importantly… our students, you need to be a member.

Each school term your P&C will hold two meetings. One will be a video conference meeting held after the kids are in bed (hopefully), which starts at around 8.15pm. And the other we get together socially for P&C at the Pub. 

Meet The Team

Parents & Carers Just Like You. Your P&C team is working on ways to bring our broader community of parents, carers and locals together to help Deb (Principal) and the school team do their job in creating a great, safe and exciting learning environment for the students (our kids).

The 2024 P&C Team

President: Aaron Jones
Vice President: Steve Leonard 
Treasurer: Megan Stanton 
Secretary: Mary Burck
Executive Committee Members:
Kasey McGrath, Amber MacKay, Kim Hardy.

Join And Stay InTouch

The more people we have involved in the P & C, the bigger our voice and the bigger our opportunities will be to support our school and developing learning experiences that are setting our kids up for their lifelong journey. It’s also a nice way to develop relationships with like-minded parents away from the school gates and kids parties. Membership is just $1

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